This is my LA Story.
What a fantastic experience! My role was to assist with photo editing and editorial layouts. My most memorable contribution was when I took part in choosing the cover for the "Best New Restaurants" issue of January 2011. I was tasked to run downstairs to the busy streets of Wilshire Boulevard to ask each person walking by about their thoughts on cover concepts. Can you imagine the nerves I had?! Walking back and forth, holding a large poster with images of pies. I must've asked 100 people, bothering them while waiting in line at lunch trucks and mining their own business. I ran back up and gave my insights on who picked what and my analysis on the first-party data collection I performed. Sitting in with the executive editors and design director was so exhilarating to discuss the final cover selection. My heart skips a beat every single time I reminisce about my internship with the Los Angeles Magazine.
Of course, working on the December 2010 issue was excellent too, although most of the shoots were shot at outside agencies and I didn't get to meet Mr. Martin myself but knowing someone that did was cool enough. As work got busier, I was helping more with cleaning and pathing images for articles and features.
I remember my first impressions, walking into the stunning floor-to-ceiling window-walled lobby, as high as three stories, going up the elevator to the 10th floor, and looking out into the vast city, my city, my home, into the magnificent view of LA. This was the first time I felt, "wow, this is what dreams are made of."
I have no idea why I waited so long to share this.

On the Cover: Photographed for Los Angeles Magazine by Art Streiber @aspictures
Books, magazines, and prints, I love them all! From the smell of the pages to the complex process of producing a tangible, hold-in-your-hand printed piece of art. While applying to transfer to UCs, I even wrote about my obsession in my admissions essay when considering the Digital Media Arts program at UCLA (spoiler alert! I was rejected). I thought my passion would win them over, but now thinking back it was probably not the best topic for a "digital" program. 🤭 No matter where I end up, I will always make the best of it.
“No matter where I end up, I will always make the best of it.”

Photograph by Art Streiber @aspictures

Tools: Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop & InDesign
Duties: I was assigned to create clipping paths for photographs and illustrations to fit this article laid out in InDesign.
Duties: I was assigned to create clipping paths for photographs and illustrations to fit this article laid out in InDesign.
In hindsight, I wish I would have stayed longer. At the end of my semester, my creative director and art director asked me to stay for another year. All I needed was a signed statement from my school with approval to continue working while finishing up my degree. It was 2010, and who would know that I had 4 more years of school to go? I had to decline the offer due to the cost of interning. The beautiful skyrise office was in Mid-Wilshire, 20 miles from my home or school. It costs about $18 per day to park in the underground parking lot, and if you didn't get out by 7 PM (which was eventually reimbursed thankfully) but I didn't have that kind of money for gas and time. Paying to work, what a thought?!
Well, kids, if you're still in college now or starting your senior year, start interning right away because that's when you legally can and you're allowed to work for free in exchange for college credit. Today, I see positions open for more dream jobs and I would love to try everything but unfortunately, I am no longer qualified. I've said this before, it's okay to work for free for a short period of time, to get your foot in the door for that golden experience, but make sure it's worth it. Los Angeles Magazine was definitely... worth it!
Well, kids, if you're still in college now or starting your senior year, start interning right away because that's when you legally can and you're allowed to work for free in exchange for college credit. Today, I see positions open for more dream jobs and I would love to try everything but unfortunately, I am no longer qualified. I've said this before, it's okay to work for free for a short period of time, to get your foot in the door for that golden experience, but make sure it's worth it. Los Angeles Magazine was definitely... worth it!

November 2010

December 2010

January 2011
Art & Production Department
Design Director: Steven E. Banks
Art Director: Lisa M. Lewis
Contributing Art Director: Carol Wakano
Interns: Laura Tu & Katie Kravit
Art Director: Lisa M. Lewis
Contributing Art Director: Carol Wakano
Interns: Laura Tu & Katie Kravit
On the Cover: Photo: Art Streiber; Stylist: Sharon Williams; Grooming: Catherine Furniss.