Logo Redesign
Don found me on LinkedIn and sent me a nice message about admiring my artwork. He was transitioning out of his work as a full-time product photographer and wanted to rejuvenate his real passion again in entertainment event photography.
His project series, BEATS . BEAUTY . BADASSES was in need of a new design. You can tell by the movements and emotions captured by Don, that he not only loves the way music plays into his heart but his perception through his viewfinder tells a deep story as if you were standing right there in the front row of each performance. Not to mention, the difficulty level of shooting motion in low light! ✨
His project series, BEATS . BEAUTY . BADASSES was in need of a new design. You can tell by the movements and emotions captured by Don, that he not only loves the way music plays into his heart but his perception through his viewfinder tells a deep story as if you were standing right there in the front row of each performance. Not to mention, the difficulty level of shooting motion in low light! ✨
I am glad to continue to be friends with Don today. It's funny how the world wide web can bring people together.
As a creative himself, Don created his own logo years ago. Which looks great in my opinion, but he wanted a redesign that was more grown up, minimalistic, simple as before and felt new.


Composition A

Composition B
What I created for Don after was a contemporary, mature look that he was able to be proud of, while he began to shoot musical events and concerts again. We did go thru several sketches in Rounds 1 and 2 but settled back at something closer to home with a modified ideation option of 1D. Utilizing the same yellow oval accent mark to finish it up with a bang makes this design familiar and completely unique to his identity. Once we completed his new logo, he zoomed right out and started reshooting at events. With the combination of his vibrant moody photos and consistent branding, he's been able to jumpstart his career all over again with the confidence of a well-thought-out identity that he can boast about every day!
Check out Don's Instagram @marcdphotos to see it in action!

Final Design of Don Marcelo Photography Logo Redesign by Laura Tu Williams

Final Design Comp

Photo: Don Marcelo Photograhy @marcdphotos. Alicia Vigil @aliciavigil and Shane Taylor from Vigil of War @vigilofwar

Photo: Don Marcelo Photograhy @marcdphotos. Alicia Vigil @aliciavigil from Vigil of War @vigilofwar

Photo: Don Marcelo Photograhy @marcdphotos. Shane Taylor from Vigil of War @vigilofwar
Image Credit: Don Marcelo Photography 2023 @marcdphotos 📸
Event Date: 02.09.2023
Venue: The Whisky A GoGo @thewhiskyagogo
A Killer Rock Band: Vigil of War @vigilofwar
Alicia Vigil - Badass Female Lead Vocals/Female Bassist: @aliciavigil
Alicia Vigil - Badass Female Lead Vocals/Female Bassist: @aliciavigil
William - Badass Guitarist: @williamstancy
Shane Taylor - Badass Guitarist: @shanetaylormusic
Chris - Badass Drummer: @iamchristopherwilson
ATTN: ALL Rockstars, Musicians, Dancers, Artists, Creatives, Beautiful People
ATTN: ALL Rockstars, Musicians, Dancers, Artists, Creatives, Beautiful People
📸To capture your next event,
📸To photograph Killer Moments,
📸To capture Portrait sessions
📸To Create Promo pieces
📸To document Behind The Scenes
📸To Tour
Art Direction: Laura Tu Williams

“An artist and trained graphic designer, Laura did an incredible job of solving the redesign of my old logo. I love my new logo!”
– Don Marcelo 📸🤘